de Jacques Audiard
com John C. Reilly e Joaquin Phoenix
(2018 Why Not Productions)

‘The Sisters Brothers - Os Irmãos Sisters’ é uma comédia de aventuras do realizador francês Jacques Audiard, de 67 anos, autor de ‘Battre Mon Coeur S’Est Arrêté - De Tanto Bater o Meu Coração Parou’ (2005), ’Un Prophète - Um Profeta’ (2009), ‘De Rouille et d’Os - Ferrugem e Osso’ (2012) e ‘Dheepan - Refúgio’ (2015).
Venezia 75 - Leone d’Argento 2018 (melhor realizador)
“Jacques Audiard’s storytelling has an easy swing to it, his dialogue is garrulous and unsentimental, and the narrative is exotically offbeat.”
The Guardian
“Despite Jacques Audiard’s embrace of contemporary norms he isn’t attempting to rewrite western genre, which is one of this movie’s virtues, along with its terrific actors and his sensitive direction of them.”
The New York Times
“Le cinéaste s’essaie avec succès à un nouveau genre avec son film porté par John C. Reilly et Joaquin Phoenix.”
Le Monde
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