James Holden
(2013 Border Community)

James Holden regressa agora com ‘The Inheritors’, uma sonoridade techno/house com influências de folk/psychadelic. O sintetizador modular, sem overdubs, cria um ambiente expansivo, etéreo e orgânico a que são adicionadas texturas mais agrestes. Um álbum denso e audaz que transcende e se candidata a figurar entre os melhores do ano na electrónica.
“As tempting as it is to pooh-pooh Holden’s overblown ambitions, in ‘The Inheritors’ he really has created an album of striking originality, and one whose more excessive aspects feel largely justified.”
Fact Magazine
“’The Inheritors’ mostly sounds vast, like the kind of album it would take seven years to make.”
XLR8R Magazine