
Livro - Romance
Lucia Berlin
(2016 Penguin Random House / Alfaguara) 

Histórias de mulheres, pedaços de vidas convulsas, testemunhos de pequenos milagres e tragédias da vida de todos os dias. Histórias de emigração, riqueza e pobreza, solidão, amor e violência. Experiências ricas, inesperadas e turbulentas tratadas com humor, melancolia, empatia e vivacidade.
Uma compilação de 43 histórias autobiográficas, escritas ao longo de 30 anos, da escritora norte-americana Lucia Berlin (1936-2004), reconhecida postumamente como uma das maiores contistas dos Estados Unidos.
The New York Times - The 10 Best Books of 2015 
“In ´A Manual for Cleaning Women we witness the emergence of an important American writer, one who was mostly overlooked in her time. Ms. Berlin's stories make you marvel at the contingencies of our existence. She is the real deal. Her stories swoop low over towns and moods and minds.” 
The New York Times
“Lucia Berlin's collection of short stories, ´A Manual for Cleaning Women´, deserves all of the posthumous praise its author has received . Oblique, colloquial style; her mordant humour; the recurrence of alcoholics; and her interest in the lives of working-class or marginalised people.” 
The Guardian

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